A multitude of topics and musings about absolutely nothing, yet may encompass everything.
23 December 2006
Christmas with Snoopy and the Red Baron

20 December 2006
Well 'Red' Right Wingers

11 December 2006
Growing Up Arminian
NIV: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
NKJV: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
Looking back, I must have grown up Armenian. Back then, I thought Armenians were people from a state in Southern USSR (that's Union of Socialist Soviet Republics for those who remember the Cold War).
Now I know that my family is not from the present-day Russia, but probably from some old theologian who doesn't like the cartoon character Calvin (and his stuffed tiger Hobbes). I don't know why these Armenians don't like a little kid who has a make-believe living stuffed animal.
These 'Armenians' sure seem to despise those who believe in Calvin's teachings. For example, there is a time when a very deep question is asked, and Calvin refuses to answer based on 'Religious Principle'. Smart guy, why throw your 'pearls before the swine' and lower yourself to the other person's level!
Anyway, when I was a kid I memorized the NKJV, which sounds like Jesus came for All Men. Did He? Compare that to the NIV where his Glory is for those whom His Favor Rests. Hmm....
Am I reading too much into the differences in these two verses? My wife thinks so.
I think I'll look into the other versions and then open up my copy of "Homicidal Jungle Cat" which is one of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes books then get back with you later.
07 December 2006
Pious Pontifications and Feeding the Sacred Shrill
In my studies of cults, atheism, and other belief systems (I use belief loosely), they are extremely good at trying to use this method to disprove Christianity. From Biblical contradictions (Why do the Gospels have four different accounts of Christ?) to denying the Trinity, they use one verse here and one verse there to prove their point.
However, I have noticed in several blogs and websites have been taking articles in the press and taking one line from a comment and disparaging the whole person. Why?
Why would a Christian use the method of 'proof texting' to disparage another (Christian or Non-Christian) We, as Christians in the Real World, battle this type of problem on a daily basis.
Now, we have 'Christian' Blogger/Authors/Speakers/'Experts' who probably never leave the comfort of there ergonomically-correct computer chair and disparage anything that comes across the WEB without fully researching the situation.
It takes more than just Googling 'apostasy' and running with it.
I assume those who are doing this are so insulated by their Christian "Microworld", they almost never come in contact with 'the lost' and what it is like dealing with Christian Apologetics.
These Pious Pontificators seem to ignore (or misinterpret) 1 Corinthians 9:20-22. I will clarify that there is a clear line between 'in the world, not of it'. The below link is a very good exegesis (Google that work and find out what it means, if your pastor doesn't do it, well...) of these verses:
I'm all for Biblical Discernment and keeping the Bride of Christ pure and Holy. But Jesus spent most of his time not in the Synagogue, or writing His 'parchlog' (combination of parchment, and blog).
He spent His time in the world, being the Ultimate Christian Apologist.
We have some serious homework to do before we begin our Pious Pontifications and feed the Sacred Shrill:
1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Acts 17:11 … they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, [to see] whether those things were so.
There is a lot in the today's Emergent Church that is straight out of the pit of hell. But we must do what Paul says above before we vote that person off of Reformation Island...
23 November 2006
Pilgrims, Pumpkins, and College Playoffs
One of the nice things about Thanksgiving and having boys is teaching them what the Real Thanksgiving was all about- Not what they learn in School.
Six things that Pilgrims DID NOT do when they Landed on Plymouth Rock.
1. The Pilgrims did not bring disease and pestilence to the land...
2. The Pilgrims did not 'slash and burn' the land to plant their crops...
3. The Pilgrims did not destroy the herds of animals, leaving the Indians with nothing...
4. The Pilgrims did not name their mascot 'Redskin'... 5. The Pilgrims did not watch the Dallas Cowboys or Detriot Lions on Thanksgiving... 6. The Pilgrims did not invite the Indians to watch the Great Alaska Shootout (Basketball) 7. The Pilgrims did not argue with the Indians whether College Football should continue with the BCS or adopt a playoff system...
8. The Pilgrims did not give thanks to Moroni (Mormon), Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, a Goddess, L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology- Tom Cruise), Jim Jones (Kool-Aid anyone?), Mr. Applewhite (I forgot his first name!?), Jerry Fallwell, the Pope, Rick Warren (they already knew their Purpose!), the Trees (Druids), the Animals (Charles Darwin/Al Gore), or any other person/place/thing (Unitarian Universalists).
They thanked Almighty God.
The Pilgrims did bring with them their Christianity with them. Ironically, to many secular humanists, this was a far worse act to inflict on the Indians. How dare these people come and spread their message of intolerance and narrow-mindedness to these Native Americans!
We use this time to tell our family about the real Pilgrims, of Edward Winslow. Edward is a Great, Great, Great, Great, Great (you get the point) Grand Father, and his brother Gilbert.
Unfortunately my wife would not allow me to name our first born Edward, nor Gilbert. She has no appreciation for History. The History Channel puts her to sleep, and when I turn it on the War Channel- she pulls out her book and begins to read... I'm ashamed.
I love history, the Correct History. Not Revisionist History- that's for mush-brained governmental parasites who can't think for themselves. (Remember that 90%/5%/5% rule? They are a part of the 90%.
Below is what Edward Winslow said of the their situation after one year in the New World.
If you are one of these Secular Humanists, just replace 'God' in the last line with "...some nebulus male/female being that we all achieve to be in some other life..."
"Our harvest being gotten in, our Governor sent four men on fowling so that we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as... served the company almost a week... Many of the Indians came amongst us and... their greatest King, Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted; and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought... And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God we are...far from want."
~ Edward Winslow, Plymouth, Massachusetts, December, 1621

Edward Winslow, the only Pilgrim to have a Portrait completed of himself. When the Pilgrims are briefly discussed in today's textbooks, if there is a picture it is usually of Edward.
11 November 2006
Ignorant Buffoon
Go to http://www2.beaufortgazette.com/beaufort_county_council_laches#comment-14954 and read this article in the 'Blog' section. As of RIGHT NOW, it is there. However, the Rag probably shuts down after 8pm so their mules can rest for the night before they have to power the ink presses, delaying power to the servers.
Don't quit after the first sentence. Just like an open wound, it gets numb if you pour enough salt into it. Then, as the doctor gives you something for the 'pain', you get easily humored- just like this article will. Be patient and keep reading- it is better than an issue of Mad Magazine.
Just think, this person votes. Well, maybe not, one has to be a citizen to vote. Oops, except in Chicago and Los Angeles...I stand corrected.
08 November 2006
The only important election result is...
Basketball- Florida Gators #1, with all starters returning for the 2006-2007 season! Exciting year.
Football- Florida Gators #4, and with Michigan and Ohio State playing each other, Someone is going to drop. Unfortunately, the rule with the BCS is the team who loses last, Loses. That's the system, good or bad. Just like elections- live with the results and move on.
Florida should win this weekend against the Ole' Ball Coach and the Gamecocks in the Swamp and hopefully move up to #3 in the BCS.
Go Gators!
Our Local 'Rag'
It fits right in there with the 'Onion', Mad Magazine, and 'Grit' in it's accuracy, credibility and believability. Why do I say this? The 'Rag' definitely has an agenda, and has a small-town unsophisticated way to promote it. I am still wondering what it is, and they probably are too! Here is why-
1. When I wrote an editorial on our school district's International baccalaureate program (anti), I was given 25o words for my article. However, a rebuttal was given by a teacher/administrator who 'came out of retirement' to institute it in one of our high schools. Her 'editorial' was given 800+ words, a picture, and a small bio on the writer. Hmm...
2. Four days before the election, the 'Rag' ran a front page article about candidate A's poor business record, tax problems, and other items. All of which have been know for quite some time and was public record. Who was this guy's opponent? A former employee of the 'Rag' a few years back. Candidate A's response was denied because 'Rag' policy prohibits editorials from political candidates. Hmm...
As the Church Lady used to say, "How Conveeeeenient!"
06 November 2006
The Largest Cocktail Party and the Alphabet
Why has it been years, and will be years before Georgia beats Florida in the 'Cocktail party' .
It is as simple as the alphabet.
Georgia Football staff, academic staff, students and alumni just don't know their alphabet.
The last I checked, the dictionary has the alphabet listed as follows:
Now I know my ABCs, Georgia, won't you lose again for me?
02 November 2006
Opening Volley
However, many people spend way too much time on their 'mental frontporch'.
We all know who these people are, and we see them everyday. However, these people are most evident in our Nation's airports. Why do people have the need to drink a 128 ounce Starbuck's coffee while they are boarding the plane? Of course, they have a window seat in the same row that I have an aisle seet. You guessed it, not more than a minute they are complaining about having to go #1 but are not allowed to get up yet.
My blogs will relate to several things- Dilbert Experiences, Seinfeld Situations, and other general discussions.
Remember- People are usually in one of three groups: 1. Common-Sense People who are in touch with reality and are moving along in life and rolling with it's punches (5%). 2. People who are mentally handicapped from no actions of their own and need assistance in some activities of daily living (5%). 3. People who are clueless as to what is going on around them. Self-Inflicted Stupidity is a good term, like the guy noted above.
Many posts will revolve around witnessing #3 people in action!
My life's motto: "Life is a Series of Choices".
-Some people choose wisely, others have no clue what I'm talking about!