A multitude of topics and musings about absolutely nothing, yet may encompass everything.
29 May 2007
A Royal Priesthood
1 Peter 2:9-12
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of the darkness into His Marvelous light;
10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
11 Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul.
12 Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing win which they slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of Christ's coming Judgement.
As we all know, many denominations use these versus to promote their doctrine over others. Who is the Chosen Race? Is it about me personally, is it about literal Israel, is it about which church is replacing Israel (covenant), visible v. invisible church, etc.
Is this about predestination? Am I one of the chosen? What if I desire God, but am not one of the chosen? Can I refuse the call from the Holy Spirit?
These questions can go on and on...
Unfortunately, people take these (and all others) to promote their own 'points of view'.
The bottom line for me today
I am a child of God, who accepted Jesus' Death and Resurrection as the payment for my sins. When I die and stand in front of Almighty God, and He demands payment for my sin, Jesus will be beside me and all God will see is His Grace (Blood of the Lamb) covering me.
Jesus is our High Priest. He went before the Father and sacrificed His life. The Old Testament picture of Passover paints the perfect picture. Once a year, the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies and, in the Presence of God, sacrificed the lamb for the sins of the nation.
Jesus went into the presence of God as the Unblemished Lamb, paying the price of His Children. Sins in the past, present and future.
It is Finished
Jesus paid the price, once and for all. Period. We are now a Royal Priesthood, we have received Mercy, called to be salt and light. What an awesome picture Peter paints as to the privilege of being one of His children. It is not to be taken lightly.
The day of judgement is coming. We need to act accordingly. He will separate the sheep from the goats, wheat from the chaff, hot from the cold.
I pray that I will draw closer to Him daily. I slip daily, if not hourly, probably closer each minute!
These versus should speak to us as ways to live desiring God, not debating doctrine.
28 May 2007

That still doesn't answer the question. Why didn't I just Do It Later? Well, here's why:
1. There are 1100 employees here
2. There are only 10 'servers' available for our payroll system.
3. We have 90 Percenters who call themselves 'supervisors' that do most of the payroll for departments.
4. These 90 Percenters do not plan ahead with payroll details (vacation hours to add, missed punches, etc)
5. What do these 90 Percenters do? They come in and log onto the payroll servers, and realize they do not have what they need to complete their payroll.
6. These 90 percenters STAY LOGGED ON because they do not want to 'lose their spot'. At this point, they begin to wander the halls of our place of employment hoping to find those employees who forgot to clock-in, etc.
7. These 90 Percenters also tend to be the ones who will stop by the cafeteria (while still logged onto the payroll server, one of the ten) and have their third breakfast of the morning. Then proceed to complain about how short of breath they are...hmm...
8. About 90 minutes later, they waddle back to their cubicle to complete their payroll on time.
9. There are about 30 directors/supervisors (I use those terms loosely) who do this every two weeks.
30 x 90% = 27 I estimate that there are 27 of these kinds of people in our place of employment who have to 'clean up after' 1100 x 90% = 990. Quite a mix.
This is a world-wide standard. Do your own calculations at your workplace and you will realize what we are dealing with here!
One may ask why don't I just come in earlier tomorrow? I get up at 5:30am to run 3-4 miles, have my quiet time and be ready to work around 7:30.
Some things are more important. And besides, I've got a great job here. This is the one thing I can complain about!
26 May 2007
Milk Theology
It seems that as I prepare for the next year of Sunday School (this September), I begin to mull over the potential curriculum for various classes. We have great teachers in our church and I thank God for the gift of teaching many of our 'volunteers' have. It is a true blessing.
However, I continually struggle with the standard, turn-key, watered down curriculum simplistic "MILK" we have to choose from. There is nothing theologically wrong about it, but for the most part it doesn't challenge people. I will say that it is true that there are many who take this curriculum and do wonders with it.
We mostly struggle with the children's area. It is terribly weak. It doesn't give children a true 'Foundation'. How many times do our kids learn about Adam and Eve, the Apple, Noah's Ark (two of each kind? read it again!), Dave and the five rocks, the three wise men (only three?), and of course Joseph, Mary and Bethlehem.
Sunday after Sunday, Month after Month, Year after Year...
We started one class with an Answers in Genesis class. Something very different. Wow! It has been excellent. These kids (Jr. High) are learning the absolute Foundation of Everything. The pastor and I want to use this curriculum church wide, but are taking a more pragmatic approach.
We are beginning an Expository series of Genesis. One of our members has an incredible gift of teaching and Creation Science background. His first adult class was this past spring and we had an average of 25-35 people in it. It was an incredible study. He is starting part two, "Genesis 1-11, Verse By Verse".
What ever happened to Expository Bible Study? Since growing up in the 70s and 80s, almost all of my Bible Studies have been 'Stovepipe'. Topical. A little here, and a little over there. No foundation.
Alistair Begg is quoted as saying in a recent Hebrew's study that my wife and I are listening to that the primary purpose of a pastor is teaching his flock (Hebrews 5:1-4). Teaching the foundation of the Christian life. Not allowing heresy into the church. John MacArthur has said numerous times that expository Bible Teaching should be the rule not the exception. Unfortunately, it is very rare that expository teaching is the Rule anymore.
Of course, 'Exposing' the Word of God will (and should) make us uncomfortable in our sin and convict us to draw closer to God, not ourselves. It should Expose the false teachings that we hear and see IN THE CHURCH today. It should Expose the Scripture, inerrant and pure and without error. It should EXPOSE the total depravity of ME and that without Christ's Blood Atonement on the Cross and the Holy Spirit's drawing me towards Him, I am but the chaff destined for the fire.
Unfortunately, most of us don't like to be Exposed. We are dirty, filthy rags. Only because of Christ's Blood are we washed white as snow. Because we don't have a foundation of Faith, we fall for false or questionable teachings in the Church.
The whole Purpose Driven Program is a dangerous result of years of this 'Milk Theology'. PDL, and the other PD's are, in my opinion, a whole lot of Milk, and very little steak. Paul warns us of not moving beyond dairy products.
Honestly, I have struggled with Celebrate Recovery (a PDL product). We have had many people come to know the Lord and have turned their life around in the program. However, I still believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me every time someone mentions it in Church. I believe that lives are changed through this program. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't critically look at it from a Biblical perspective and ensure it doesn't conflict with scripture for the future. I have two serious points to start off with:
1. I have a serious problem with not being able to correct people in the small group when something needs to be corrected. When someone questions a basic doctrine of Faith and 'crosstalk' is prohibited, that is a problem. Jesus did plenty of 'crosstalk' during His 33 years on earth!
2. The 'CR' Bible: it contains SERIOUS translation ERRORs!
3. New Age psychology. Your path to your Higher Power. Now I understand that Rick Warren uses it to mean Jesus Christ. But if it is coming from an "Evangelical" Pastor, why use New-Age Terminology?
4. We are 'Delivered' from our sins. Period. We don't need to continue in a small group rehashing it over and over again. I don't need to get up in front of people and say, every time, "Hi, I'm Harry, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am recovering from Food Addictions/Co-dependent relationships/Anger/etc. Where is this in Scripture? It seems that many who are sold out to CR try to convince EVERYONE that they have something that they need Recovery from. This is not Scriptural. Our sins are forgiven and they are removed as far as the East is from the West. We need discipleship. We need accountability with one another, yes. But not the ongoing perpetual recovery that never seems to end.
5. The 12-step program is based on Alcoholics Anonymous. Whose founder was a spirit channeler who was given a vision, during an drunken binge, to stop drinking and do it using 12 steps. This is where the "Higher Power" comes from. This guy's higher power was a spirit guide. Does this belong in a church?
I am not one to jump on or off publicly without discussing, praying, studying and researching it. This whole PDL movement has for some reason bothered me from the beginning. I've read the books, discussed some of these points with others.
Here is a link I just found that compares some PDL/CR issues from a Scriptural perspective. It is a very short, yet concise description of the serious theological problems with PDL/CR.
My bottom line is this. We have gone through the Wide Gate onto the Wide Path with our teaching and preaching for so long that we don't even recognize Scriptural error anymore. Solid, expository preaching and teaching is offensive in most 'Evangelical' churches.
Read the Pilgrim's Progress. We got our copy through Truth For Life (www.truthforlife.org), Alistair Begg's ministry. Get the one with today's English, not the King's English! It has Scripture References and is a great picture of a Christian's journey. They have a kid's version, too.
The Christian life and witness is too serious to be 'stovepiped'. Scripture is too important to be brushed off as 'too difficult' to read verse by verse (Homilies, anyone?). We need to Expose each verse, Expose false teaching, Expose our Sin for what it is. Sin. Not shortfalls, mistakes, psychological defects, etc. No. It is rebellion against Almighty God. That is sin. Jesus' Blood Atonement on the Cross fulfilled the cost of my sin. When I bring up my sin that I have already asked for forgiveness for over again (and not recovered from), I'm basically saying that Jesus' death on the Cross wasn't good enough. NO! I am Delivered from that Sin. What I need is to be discipled by Godly people on a daily basis.
Not a gimmicky, smarmy intro line that is plagiarized from AA. Not a program based on the occult.
We are called to be the Salt and the Light. Don't let the salt become bland and worthless.
Teach the Word. Verse by Verse. Expose Evil.
However, I continually struggle with the standard, turn-key, watered down curriculum simplistic "MILK" we have to choose from. There is nothing theologically wrong about it, but for the most part it doesn't challenge people. I will say that it is true that there are many who take this curriculum and do wonders with it.
We mostly struggle with the children's area. It is terribly weak. It doesn't give children a true 'Foundation'. How many times do our kids learn about Adam and Eve, the Apple, Noah's Ark (two of each kind? read it again!), Dave and the five rocks, the three wise men (only three?), and of course Joseph, Mary and Bethlehem.
Sunday after Sunday, Month after Month, Year after Year...
We started one class with an Answers in Genesis class. Something very different. Wow! It has been excellent. These kids (Jr. High) are learning the absolute Foundation of Everything. The pastor and I want to use this curriculum church wide, but are taking a more pragmatic approach.
We are beginning an Expository series of Genesis. One of our members has an incredible gift of teaching and Creation Science background. His first adult class was this past spring and we had an average of 25-35 people in it. It was an incredible study. He is starting part two, "Genesis 1-11, Verse By Verse".
What ever happened to Expository Bible Study? Since growing up in the 70s and 80s, almost all of my Bible Studies have been 'Stovepipe'. Topical. A little here, and a little over there. No foundation.
Alistair Begg is quoted as saying in a recent Hebrew's study that my wife and I are listening to that the primary purpose of a pastor is teaching his flock (Hebrews 5:1-4). Teaching the foundation of the Christian life. Not allowing heresy into the church. John MacArthur has said numerous times that expository Bible Teaching should be the rule not the exception. Unfortunately, it is very rare that expository teaching is the Rule anymore.
Of course, 'Exposing' the Word of God will (and should) make us uncomfortable in our sin and convict us to draw closer to God, not ourselves. It should Expose the false teachings that we hear and see IN THE CHURCH today. It should Expose the Scripture, inerrant and pure and without error. It should EXPOSE the total depravity of ME and that without Christ's Blood Atonement on the Cross and the Holy Spirit's drawing me towards Him, I am but the chaff destined for the fire.
Unfortunately, most of us don't like to be Exposed. We are dirty, filthy rags. Only because of Christ's Blood are we washed white as snow. Because we don't have a foundation of Faith, we fall for false or questionable teachings in the Church.
The whole Purpose Driven Program is a dangerous result of years of this 'Milk Theology'. PDL, and the other PD's are, in my opinion, a whole lot of Milk, and very little steak. Paul warns us of not moving beyond dairy products.
Honestly, I have struggled with Celebrate Recovery (a PDL product). We have had many people come to know the Lord and have turned their life around in the program. However, I still believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me every time someone mentions it in Church. I believe that lives are changed through this program. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't critically look at it from a Biblical perspective and ensure it doesn't conflict with scripture for the future. I have two serious points to start off with:
1. I have a serious problem with not being able to correct people in the small group when something needs to be corrected. When someone questions a basic doctrine of Faith and 'crosstalk' is prohibited, that is a problem. Jesus did plenty of 'crosstalk' during His 33 years on earth!
2. The 'CR' Bible: it contains SERIOUS translation ERRORs!
3. New Age psychology. Your path to your Higher Power. Now I understand that Rick Warren uses it to mean Jesus Christ. But if it is coming from an "Evangelical" Pastor, why use New-Age Terminology?
4. We are 'Delivered' from our sins. Period. We don't need to continue in a small group rehashing it over and over again. I don't need to get up in front of people and say, every time, "Hi, I'm Harry, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am recovering from Food Addictions/Co-dependent relationships/Anger/etc. Where is this in Scripture? It seems that many who are sold out to CR try to convince EVERYONE that they have something that they need Recovery from. This is not Scriptural. Our sins are forgiven and they are removed as far as the East is from the West. We need discipleship. We need accountability with one another, yes. But not the ongoing perpetual recovery that never seems to end.
5. The 12-step program is based on Alcoholics Anonymous. Whose founder was a spirit channeler who was given a vision, during an drunken binge, to stop drinking and do it using 12 steps. This is where the "Higher Power" comes from. This guy's higher power was a spirit guide. Does this belong in a church?
I am not one to jump on or off publicly without discussing, praying, studying and researching it. This whole PDL movement has for some reason bothered me from the beginning. I've read the books, discussed some of these points with others.
Here is a link I just found that compares some PDL/CR issues from a Scriptural perspective. It is a very short, yet concise description of the serious theological problems with PDL/CR.
My bottom line is this. We have gone through the Wide Gate onto the Wide Path with our teaching and preaching for so long that we don't even recognize Scriptural error anymore. Solid, expository preaching and teaching is offensive in most 'Evangelical' churches.
Read the Pilgrim's Progress. We got our copy through Truth For Life (www.truthforlife.org), Alistair Begg's ministry. Get the one with today's English, not the King's English! It has Scripture References and is a great picture of a Christian's journey. They have a kid's version, too.
The Christian life and witness is too serious to be 'stovepiped'. Scripture is too important to be brushed off as 'too difficult' to read verse by verse (Homilies, anyone?). We need to Expose each verse, Expose false teaching, Expose our Sin for what it is. Sin. Not shortfalls, mistakes, psychological defects, etc. No. It is rebellion against Almighty God. That is sin. Jesus' Blood Atonement on the Cross fulfilled the cost of my sin. When I bring up my sin that I have already asked for forgiveness for over again (and not recovered from), I'm basically saying that Jesus' death on the Cross wasn't good enough. NO! I am Delivered from that Sin. What I need is to be discipled by Godly people on a daily basis.
Not a gimmicky, smarmy intro line that is plagiarized from AA. Not a program based on the occult.
We are called to be the Salt and the Light. Don't let the salt become bland and worthless.
Teach the Word. Verse by Verse. Expose Evil.
16 May 2007
Ecumenical Spines (Now that's an oxymoron!)
With the passing of Jerry Fallwell (JF), we are seeing a resurgence of those who vehemently disagreed with him. Why? Besides being a Christian? Was it more than that?
Of course it was. Whether you liked him or not, he almost never backed down. He did say some things that were probably best said from the campaign trail rather than the pulpit. Putting that aside, his ability to stand firm is what many so-called 'Christians' were, and are, afraid to do.
Gutless Christians
America is filled with luke-warm Christians. Ecumenical Christians. Those willing to sell out. Their fruit is rotten, their faith built on straw and hay. We know what the 'Master' did to those- he cut them off and cast them into the fire. After 9-11 we were filled with TV images of "Evangelicals" praying with Imams, Priests, Bishops, etc. Anyone who questions those on stage were labelled as intolerant and narrow-minded.
I am just as guilty a lot of the time. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes don't speak up when I should. I fall short many times. However, I am blessed to have a pastor who refuses to 'do the ecumenical thing'. He sets the example for the rest of us and does it Biblically. He has stood firm aligning with Scriptural Integrity.
JF stood firm in many issues. He took the heat because so many of us backed down and slinked back into our holes. Like him or despise him. Agree with the methods of the Moral Majority or not. He stood firm for his Christian beliefs. Provided young people an education at an institution that espoused Scriptural Doctrines instead of the scientific/philosophical garbage of evolution, secular humanism, etc.
People, John tells us in Revelation that it is only going to eventually get worse. We just don't know when. We need to speak the truth. Firmly and in love. Peter, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says it perfectly (of course it is, it is inspired!)
1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence,"
Of course it was. Whether you liked him or not, he almost never backed down. He did say some things that were probably best said from the campaign trail rather than the pulpit. Putting that aside, his ability to stand firm is what many so-called 'Christians' were, and are, afraid to do.
Gutless Christians
America is filled with luke-warm Christians. Ecumenical Christians. Those willing to sell out. Their fruit is rotten, their faith built on straw and hay. We know what the 'Master' did to those- he cut them off and cast them into the fire. After 9-11 we were filled with TV images of "Evangelicals" praying with Imams, Priests, Bishops, etc. Anyone who questions those on stage were labelled as intolerant and narrow-minded.
I am just as guilty a lot of the time. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes don't speak up when I should. I fall short many times. However, I am blessed to have a pastor who refuses to 'do the ecumenical thing'. He sets the example for the rest of us and does it Biblically. He has stood firm aligning with Scriptural Integrity.
JF stood firm in many issues. He took the heat because so many of us backed down and slinked back into our holes. Like him or despise him. Agree with the methods of the Moral Majority or not. He stood firm for his Christian beliefs. Provided young people an education at an institution that espoused Scriptural Doctrines instead of the scientific/philosophical garbage of evolution, secular humanism, etc.
People, John tells us in Revelation that it is only going to eventually get worse. We just don't know when. We need to speak the truth. Firmly and in love. Peter, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says it perfectly (of course it is, it is inspired!)
1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence,"
06 May 2007
On a Roll...
I can't be too serious all the time. Here are a couple of clips from my (our) Alma Mater. Proud to be a Florida Gator!
Who's next? I'm sure Ohio State is getting tired of the beatings...
Who's next? I'm sure Ohio State is getting tired of the beatings...
Florida Gators and the Crocodile Hunter
For those of you who are familiar with the elusive and terrifying Florida Gator, here is a little clip from the late Steve Irwin...
Innerancy of the Word
Number two on the list of items that are Absolutes for Christians is the Innerancy of the Word.
We just finished an introductory study in Apologetics from one of our truly gifted members in our Church. The teacher is in his 'second' career as a Christian Scientist. He led us through Scripture to show how Genesis is proven throughout the New Testament. It was truly amazing.
Similar to John MacArthur's premise that when one denies the Innerancy of the Scripture, one's salvation is seriously compromised. Christ is the Word. Question the Word is to Question Christ.
If one believes in Evolution, then one denies the Genesis account. Deny Genesis, then Deny Christ. Christ was in the beginning. John 1:1 is pretty plain and simple. In the beginning was the Word (Greek translation = Christ), and the Word (Greek=Christ) was with God (Greek I AM), and the Word (Christ) was God (I AM).
This simple verse has profound theological implications. It lays the foundation for who Christ was/is/ever shall be. It clearly defines the Trinity. It clearly defines Jesus as the Messiah. The Word cannot be changed, as it existed before time, and was only written down through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by men.
Without error.
We just finished an introductory study in Apologetics from one of our truly gifted members in our Church. The teacher is in his 'second' career as a Christian Scientist. He led us through Scripture to show how Genesis is proven throughout the New Testament. It was truly amazing.
Similar to John MacArthur's premise that when one denies the Innerancy of the Scripture, one's salvation is seriously compromised. Christ is the Word. Question the Word is to Question Christ.
If one believes in Evolution, then one denies the Genesis account. Deny Genesis, then Deny Christ. Christ was in the beginning. John 1:1 is pretty plain and simple. In the beginning was the Word (Greek translation = Christ), and the Word (Greek=Christ) was with God (Greek I AM), and the Word (Christ) was God (I AM).
This simple verse has profound theological implications. It lays the foundation for who Christ was/is/ever shall be. It clearly defines the Trinity. It clearly defines Jesus as the Messiah. The Word cannot be changed, as it existed before time, and was only written down through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by men.
Without error.
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