02 March 2018

Out Come the Stitches


Second Post-Op appointment came and with it looking forward to removal of the stitches and hopefully a boot rather than a cast.  With a cast, I would still need to take baths.  If I got a boot, then I could take it off and take a shower.

Dr. C was pleased with how much the swelling had come down, no sign of infection, and looks like no residual bleeding.  So, she began to take the stitched out.  One by one, only pressure, but no pain.  Until the last two.  She asked me if I had taken my Percocet or other pain med.  I said no, and asked why.  She said, these last two look like they may cause some pain- closer to the bone/joint.  She told me to lay back and relax.  She tugged, I breathed and watched my Fit Bit heart rate come down and down, and down (84...72...66...58...52...) and getting a little lightheaded as I felt a lot of pressure and pain.  I did not pass out, but saw my heart rate drop to 47 as she said, "I'm finished with that part."  Whew.  I was glad, then I thought, what did she mean 'that part'...?

Well, what she continued to say was "Are you OK?  The next part is usually the worst."  Really?  I thought that was pretty bad.  I would say 6-7 on the pain scale.  Not quite unbearable, but...

What she meant was the three stitches at the tip of my toe where the screw went in are the most painful for the patient.  The screw head is flush with tip of the phalanx, and close to the skin, where the stitches are located.  Not only is there pain from the incision, the area is very tender due to the screw placement and the healing of the bone around the screw.  Here we go again.  Fortunately, there are only three stitches, and she had them out quickly and was not nearly as bad as she anticipated.

No Cast!

She cleaned up my foot and ankle and checked out the incisions.  Swelling was markedly improved and the bandages and splint she took of was not dirty.  That meant I was not walking and obeying her orders! That meant she could trust me with wearing a boot.  If she saw evidence of walking, still swollen, and reddened- incision area, it would a cast for the next six weeks to force compliance!

 The Boot

This meant I could take a shower!  And see my ankle and foot!  So, I would see Dr. C in five weeks for another X-Ray and start partial weight-bearing.  This assumed I continued to obey and not walk on my foot until then.  Crutches and the boot for five weeks.  I will get my upper body workout!


I thought this was funny.  We ate at IN-N-OUT on the way home and found the 'handicap' table was the most comfortable, so I had to take a picture.  I got to go 'Out' and enjoy the outside world!


 Left versus Right.  Easy to tell...

Taking a shower was awesome.  After 16 days, it was refreshing.  Being in the military, I have gone for many days without a shower, but never this long.  I can also see that my right toe that is  a little shorter than before, but not much.  Dr. C said to expect this due to the fact that the cartilage was removed at the joint.  This was the first time I saw both my legs and could see a marked difference between the Left and Right legs.  I have a ways to go to get my running legs back in shape!

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